304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


SSG BEAUTY emerges as a luminous star, radiating confidence, elegance, and innovation. 

An acronym for Sparkling Style and Grace, aspires to deliver a distinctive and dazzling allure to contemporary women.


Personal Care

Make your life more comfortable.

Auto Accessories

Make your life cooler.


Make life more refined.

Our Happy Clients!

"The products have been received, the quality is excellent, and the service attitude of the store is very good"​
Ron Burnwood
"I love this treasure shop and I am very happy with the product I received, it was a surprise."​
Lily Granger​
"The gifts I bought in this store were very satisfactory to my family and I will come back next time."​
Jeson Foxx